Company News
July 14, 2015:
New Editions: WebDrillDown and WebObjectTree Studio

We are pleased to announce the availability of WebDrillDown Studio and WebObjectTree Studio. These products provide a visual designer for our two most recently released web controls WebDrillDown and WebObjectTree for ASP.NET, respectively.

Based upon WebMenu and PanelBar Studio, WebDrillDown and WebObjectTree Studio offer you a familiar interface for creating projects that use our latest web controls. One difference being our new Studio applications run in the cloud, so there is nothing to install and can run on any platform:

  Windows-based WebMenu Studio

  Web-based WebDrillDown Studio

Available separately, or included with WebDrillDown and WebObjectTree for ASP.NET, our new Studio applications can be launched from our new "apps" domain:

WebDrillDown and WebObjectTree Studio Features:

Our new Studio applications provide many of the same features as our Windows-based Studio applications and add some new ones:

  • Familiar interface for visually designing your control layouts.

  • Web-based applications that can run anywhere, no longer tied to Windows.

  • Demonstrate, and is built upon our own web controls (we use our own products!):

    • WebMenu - implements all the popup menus, toolbars and tab strips.

    • WebObjectTree - implements the tree view in the objects pane.

    • WebPropertyGrid - implements the property grid in the properties pane.

  • Nothing to install, just need to navigate to the Studio Apps URL.

  • Includes product samples that demonstrate many of the control's abilities.

  • Automatic updates for new features and/or bug fixes.

  • Builds a sample page that demonstrates how to integrate the control in your own pages.

  • Compiled code can be use with any web server, samples included for ASP, ASP.NET, JSP and PHP.

  • State files are in JSON format, and can be read and written from the ASP.NET controls.

  • Can be purchase separately, or included with our ASP.NET controls (existing customers freely upgraded).

Sold on a per-developer basis, each license purchased includes two years of access to the online Studio application(s). The compiled code is freely re-distributable, and can be used perpetually.

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